Pull up E-Book (Cycle 4)

Pull up E-Book (Cycle 4)

Sale Price:£20.00 Original Price:£30.00

Want to learn how to pull up but don’t know where to start? This is the perfect guide to help set you up and get you on your way to achieving your very first pull up. This e-book consists of 12 weeks of programming with 20+ detailed videos explaining each exercise to help teach you the correct technique to maximise your pull up training and build the strength needed to pull yourself up. Cycle 4 builds on from Cycle 3 with slightly harder exercises including pull up holds + eccentrics, harder ring row variations and bent over rows.

Prerequisites: Must be able to hold the top position of a pull up for 10 seconds. You do not need to be able to pull up into that position, but simply climb up, place your chin over the bar and see if you can hold it when you take your feet off.

Equipment Needed:


Resistance band


Rings or a TRX

Pull up bar

Incline Bench



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